Summers at WRASA about everyone having fun
In a competitive environment each of us must be mindful of the dedicated effort, energy and passion our swimmers, coaches and volunteers give.
Very simply, if a WRASA member is consistently unable to conform to productive, respectful and positive environment, they will be removed.
If you are unclear what is expected of your own conduct, please review Code of Conduct below.
If you are aware of behavior unbecoming of a WRASA member, please follow this reporting ladder:
Concern about Athlete Behavior
1. speak with the group coach
2. if unresolved, speak with Head Coach
3. if unresolved, speak with Director of Coaching
4. if unresolved, speak with Vice President
Concern about Parent Behavior
1. speak with Director of Officials
2. if unresolved, speak with Vice President
Note that the Club President remains and impartial final arbiter and does not become involved except all the steps have been taken and have produced no remedy.
All participants (competitors, coaches, officials and other volunteers) have an expectation to be treated fairly and with respect and integrity: emotionally, intellectually, physically, culturally, socially, and spiritually. It is important that all participants experience meaningful and enjoyable opportunities in a safe, sportsmanlike environment.
Every WRASA participant shall:
Respect and understand the principles of good sportsmanship.
Promote safety, ensure fun, enjoyment and good competition.
Eliminate behaviour and actions which detract from a positive environment.
Not tolerate abuse or harassment by anyone during practices, meets, tournaments and any other BCSSA activities.
Athletes entered in Individual Events at meets who do not swim their preliminary races will be charged the entry fee. This is called a scratch fee. These fees can be avoided by:
a) withdrawing your meet entry two weeks before the meet
b) giving notice to your coach by email one week before the meet
Athletes entered in Relay Events who do not swim will be charged the entry fee for the entire relay entry. This can be avoided by:
a) withdrawing your meet entry two weeks before the meet
b) giving notice to your coach by email one week before the meet
c) telling your coach before 9am on the day of the Relay Event
Scratch Fees are authomatically charged to the famlies of athletes without notice.
All decisions about Regional and Provincial relay teams, including event, swimmer order and relay team members are made solely by WRASA coaches. Swimmers chosen for a relay team will willingly participate and fully support their team with their best effort.
Relay teams at Provincials may comprise different members than at Regionals. Again this is at the discretion of the Coaches and determining factors may vary by stroke, event and age but are ultimately the coaches' decision. ​
If you know you will be unable to attend Provincials, it is your duty to inform the coach as soon as you know so that alternates may be found for individual and relay spots for which you might qualify at Regionals.