Click below for WRASA's special honours and awards that are given only occasionally to significant members and coaches who have left their mark on the club.
New records are very exciting. It's sometimes easy to overlook the exceptionally hard work of a swimmer who achieves a time faster than any other swimmer has ever gone in an event.
Records are updated annually from the official times recorded at BCSSA-sanctioined meets in the WRASA calendar of official meets for the season. Record breakers are recognized annually at the WRASA gala evening, Celebrate the Season.
Annual awards are presented at the WRASA Gala, Celebrate the Season.
Club Trophies, awards and plaques are avalable to all club swimmers. Additional eligability and criteria particular to each award is detailed below. Coaches are elgiable for New Records plaques only. Please contact the Director or Recognition with any questions.
Winners are required to return the trophies by August 20th to the club storage container in Sunnyside Park or directly to the Director of Recognition.

The Barb Friesen Memorial Shield
This is WRASA's most significant annual award and is deeply cherished by past receipients and all club members who had the unforgettable pleasure of knowing Barb Friesen.
One award: a large shield trophy and keeper trophy (bigger than other keeper trophies)
Awarded to any swimmer in Division 3 or higher (female or male) that best exhibits the qualities of an exemplary WRASA team member.
This award is to recognize the swimmer who gives unselfishly of their time, for the benefit of other WRASA swimmers, and to encourage all WRASA swimmers to set goals, not only for themselves, but for the team as a whole. The coaching staff will select a swimmer, which will be approved by the executive. In the event the child of an executive member is nominated, the executive member will be excused from discussions. This award does not need to be given out if there are not appropriate candidates for the year.
Qualities considered in choosing an annual receipient; the recipient may exhibit some or all of these qualitities:
Volunteers in areas appropriate to their age-helping with the blocks, getting equipment, fundraising, WRASA meet, helping coach or teammates, putting up team tent, etc.
Shows that they are happy and proud to be a WRASA member.
Supports and encourages other team members.
Shows leadership, both in and out of the pool.
Attends practices regularly and works hard.
Attends all or most meets.
Shows unwavering willingness to swim on any relay or individual race that the coach asks realizing this is in the best interest of the team;
This award is to recognize the swimmer who gives unselfishly of their time, for the benefit of other WRASA swimmers and to encourage all WRASA swimmers to set goals, not only for themselves, but for the team as a whole.

The Annual Grand Aggregate Award
The second most impressive award in the WRASA trophy case.
Two awards,: one large annual club trophy and one personal keepsake trophy (and these are bigger than other keeper trophies)
Awarded to one boy AND one girl-1st place overall for points. Use the same calculations as for Divisional Aggregates but winners are the boy and girl with the greatest total points out of the whole club.
Calculation of the Grand Aggregate is the same as for the Divisional Aggregates but this award recognizes the top club-wide point winner for boys and girls. Points are counted only for A events swum at regular season, BCSSA-sanctioned meets on the WRASA calendar of official meets.
Note that Alumni Swimmers are eligible only for Records Awards and Aggregate Awards.

Divisional Aggregate Awards
Several awards and sub categories for the Divisional Aggregate awards, including O Cat and Runners Up Aggregates for each corresponding division.
For each winner, one large annual trophy and one personal keepsake trophy
Awarded to one girl AND one boy per divisional category. (Division 7 and 8 are combined). Awarded for the highest accumulated points in finals (or timed finals) events swum at regular season meets, including all categories of the WRASA WRACES, Fraser South Regionals and BCSSA Provincials but not development meets.
Point totals are counted only for A Times recorded at BCSSA sanctioned meets on the WRASA list of official meets for the season. In each division, there must be at least one swimmer with a minimum of 20 points for the award to be presented. Coaches are not eligible. Use A times of the host meet (may differ from Fraser South A times). Use standardized point system regardless of how many points the host meet actually awards.
6 Lane Pool: 1st-7 points, 2nd-5 points, 3rd-4 points, 4th-3 points, 5th-2 points, 6th—1 point.
8 Lane Pool: 1st-9 points, 2nd-7 points, 3rd-6 points, 4th-5 points, 5th-4 ponts, 6th-3 points, 7th- 2 points, and 8th-1 point.
Regionals: Use 8 Lane pool points.
Provincials: Use points for top 16 places as per meet package.
One award: a large trophy and one keepsake trophy
Minimum of 5 swimmers registered in this category required. Plaque awarded to the swimmer who accumulated the most points in the 01 or 02 category. See BCSSA definition of “0” category swimmer. Minimum of 20 points required.
Coaches are not eligible to win the Open Category Aggregate.
Maximum 14 awards, keeper plaque only
For this award, follow the same criteria as Divisional Aggregates except: Minimum 15 points. Awarded to 2nd place girl AND boy in each division. Divisions may be combined if there are few swimmers (eg. Div. 7 and 8).
No runner-up is awarded in the Open Category.

Relay of the Year
Awarded to the relay team (girls or boys, medley or free), which earns the highest placing at Provincials. In the case of a tie, the relay with the greatest reduction in time at Provincials, tracking the time from the entry time to the final time, will be declared the winner. (If neither team reduces their time then the team with the least time added will be the winne.)
In the event that the relay team changes from Regionals to Provincials due to the COACH’S recommendation the Regional swimmers who helped qualify the Relay of the
Year winning team will be included as members of the winning relay.

Meet Records & Club Records
Records set by Individual Swimmers:
Swimmers who set new records (either meet records or club records) are presented wtih plaques engraved with swimmer’s name and a listing of the record(s) set that season. Plaque is prepared by Director of Recognition with infomration listing meet record(s), meet name, new record time and whether it is a meet record and/or a club record. All swimmers eligible.
Records set by Relay Teams:
Certificates naming the swimmer, type of relay (free or medley), location and time. All swimmers eligible. Includes regional relays at Provincials.

Hardest Working Swimmer
Two awards, One large annual trophy and one keepsake trophy
Awarded to one girl OR boy in each of the junior, intermediate and senior groups as per club groupings for practices. Awarded to the swimmer who consistently works hard in practices and at meets. Towards the end of the season, swimmers will be given the opportunity to cast a secret ballot by putting the name of the candidate and the reason why they should get this award. Head coach and coaches will meet to discuss candidates and choose winners.

Most Improved Swimmer of the Year
Three Awards, Large plaque and keeper trophy
One girl OR boy from each of Junior, Intermediate and Senior groups as per club groupings for practices. This award is for A or B level swimmers (not 0 category). Awarded to the swimmer with the greatest total reduction in time from the beginning to the end of the season in all events. Base times for the beginning of the season are based on previous best times. If it is the swimmer’s first year swimming an event, the first swim becomes the base time used to calculate best times (ie. the next time that betters the base time will be the first best time).

Most Spirited Swimmer
One award, Large trophy and keeper trophy
Awarded to a girl OR boy who exhibits a high degree of positive enthusiasm among peers at both practices and meets. Towards the end of the season, swimmers will be given the opportunity to cast a secret ballot by putting the name of the candidate and the reason why they should get this award. Head coach and coaches will meet to discuss candidates and to choose a winner.

Novice Swimmer - Best All Around
This recognition consists of two awards: a large annual trophy and personal trophy for the winner to keep forever. Awarded annually to one boy and one girl in Diviision One (not including GIT).
Awarded for a combination of high attendance at practices and meets, and a strong personal effort. Not necessarily a first year swimmer.

Rookie of the Year
One award, Large trophy and keeper trophy
Awarded to a new swimmer in Division 2 or higher who has completed their first year of competitive swimming for any swim club and NOT for those who have not recently completed GIT in the previous year. The swimmer who has shown the best time improvements (including Regionals and Provincials), who has had high attendance at practices and meets, and who has exhibited strong effort in improving technique and conditioning. This award does not have to be given out if there are no appropriate candidates.
Hall of Fame Award
This award is presented only occasionally, when a swimmer of exceptional character, commitment and capability has concluded a remarkable career of swimming and coaching with the club.
This is a career achievement award created to celebrate the long-time achievement of a WRASA member who has been both a swimmer and a coach, recognizing leadership, performance, mentorship, dedication and proving a role model in and out of the pool.
First Hall of Fame Inductee: Kevin Mason

Awards for Fraser South A Times
Every swimmer starting the season with a B time in any stroke is eligible to receive an award recognizing the total number of Fraser South A Times achieved at regular season meets and championship meets. Awards are as follows:
Achieving one to three A times: certificate per swimmer (not stroke).
Achieving four or more A times: medal engraved with the swimmer’s first name, number of A times and year.

Guppies in Training Certificate
A keepsake GIT Certificate presented to each GIT swimmer to recognize the progress made through the their season. This special recognition is presented by the GIT Coach to each swimmer at Celebrate the Season club banquet.

Best Times Awards
This award recognizes the number of times at regular season meets and at championships a swimmer improves on his or her best time (personal best).
Awards include bronze, silver, gold and mega gold levels. Swimmer receive a medal of the appropriate colour engraved with the year, their first name and the number of best times achieved that year.
Awarded to all Summer A and B and O Category swimmers for accumulative totals of best times at all meets excluding development meets. Base times for beginning of the season are based on lifetime best times as reccorded in HyTek.
If it is the swimmer’s first year swimming an event, the first swim becomes the base time used and the next time that betters the base time will be the first best time. Swimmer gets credit for every best time, including heats and finals. A DQ time is not officially recorded and does not count.
Div 1-4, 01 Div 5-8. 02
Bronze 10-14 best times 5-9 best times
Silver 15-19 10-14
Gold 20-24 15-19
Mega Gold 25+ 20+